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War of the Fay - Classes

Sitara Class

Sitara are an enigmatic class of magic users, revered for their mastery over the ebb and flow of time and cosmic energies. Sitara, named after the ancient word for "stardust" in the lost tongues of the Fay, are known to wield a unique blend of status-altering spells, focusing heavily on Damage Over Time (DOT) and Healing Over Time (HOT) abilities.

Iris Nova Clear, a prominent practitioner of the Sitara arts, hails from a lineage of mystics tracing back to the ancient Starfall Order. Legends speak of her ancestors communing with celestial entities and deciphering the secrets of the cosmos, passing down their arcane knowledge through generations.

Sitara magic is distinctive for its emphasis on manipulating temporal energies to disrupt adversaries and mend allies. Iris's prowess lies in her ability to weave intricate enchantments that linger and evolve over time. Her spells are known to afflict foes with lingering curses and debilitating ailments, while concurrently granting her allies enduring blessings and revitalizing energies.

The foundational principles of Sitara magic revolve around the delicate balance between cosmic forces. Practitioners like Iris understand that time is not merely linear but a continuum of intersecting waves. By harmonizing with these currents, Sitara wielders can alter the very fabric of reality, inducing effects that persist and evolve long after the initial incantation.

The training to become a Sitara is rigorous and introspective, involving long hours spent meditating beneath the night sky and deciphering ancient star charts. Initiates must attune themselves to the cosmic rhythms, learning to navigate the invisible threads that connect all living beings to the celestial tapestry.

Verndari Class

Verndari are revered warriors who wield the ancient art of Ki manipulation through their mighty greatswords. This mystical class, steeped in the traditions of the Summer Fay, embodies a harmonious balance between raw physical prowess and spiritual enlightenment. Aiden Sunfire, a stalwart member of the Summer Fay, harnesses the power of the Verndari to protect her allies and unleash devastating empowered attacks.

The Verndari draw their strength from within, tapping into their inner reservoir of energy to enhance their combat abilities. Summer Fay warriors like Aiden Sunfire are trained to cultivate this vital energy, allowing them to channel it into every swing of their colossal blades.

With a combat style characterized by powerful strikes infused with concentrated energy, each blow resonating with spiritual force. The greatsword, an extension of their own willpower, becomes a conduit for inner strength. When unleashing a torrential swing, the air crackles with the intensity, empowering attacks and overwhelming foes.

Moreover, mastery of the Verndari class extends beyond offensive prowess. With a deep connection to inner being, they can project a field of protective energy around themself and their allies. Using ancient techniques honed through meditation and discipline, skilled users can intercept attacks meant for others, with their greatsword serving as a barrier against harm.

The path to becoming a Verndari is one of dedication and spiritual enlightenment. Summer Fay initiates undergo rigorous training, meditating amidst tranquil landscapes to attune themselves to their inner being. They forge a symbiotic bond with their greatswords, melding their own strength with the essence of their spiritual energy.